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Tropical Veterinarian
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Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024): Tropical Veterinarian
Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024): Tropical Veterinarian
Research Articles
The appendicular skeleton of the Eidolon helvum (African fruit bat): Gross anatomical investigations
Appendicular skeleton of Eidolon helvum
Igado O. O., Ade-Julius R. R., Obasa A. A.
1 - 13
TV/2024/42/01/01 Igado et al.pdf
Exploring digital tools in promoting anti-rabies and DHLPP vaccine uptake at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Ibadan: A pilot study
Use of digital tools in promoting vaccination uptake
Awosanya E. J., Akoh E. E.
14 - 25
TV/2024/42/01/02 Awosanya and Akoh .pdf
Histology and Histochemistry of the Adrenal Gland of the Four-Toed Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris Wagner, 1841)
Histology and histochemistry of hedgehog adrenal gland
Lanipekun D. O., Olukole S. G., Olagboye I. T.
TV/2024/42/01/03 Lanipekun et al.pdf
Induction of Ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (EROD) activity by Benzo[a]pyrene in Primary Culture of Gill Epithelial Cells from Tilapia fish
Primary gill cell lines and pollutants
Iji O. T., Myburgh J. G., McGaw L. J.
34 - 44
TV/2024/42/01/04 Iji et al.pdf
Prevalence and associated risk factors of bovine fasciolosis in cattle in Oyo state, Nigeria
Bovine fascioliosis in Oyo State
Olaogun S. C., Esan O. O., Adah O. , Adenaike E. A., Adeleye A. A.
45 - 55
TV/2024/42/01/05 Olaogun et al.pdf
Antibiotic prescription trends in a Tertiary Veterinary Hospital in Nigeria
Antibiotic prescriptions in a tertiary veterinary hospital
Ajayi O. T., Awoyomi O. J, Ojo O. E.
56 - 65
TV/2024/42/01/06 Ajayi et al.pdf
Health indices of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) inhabiting selected polluted streams in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Claria gariepinus in polluted streams
Iji O. T., Oyagbemi A. A., Azeez O. I., Ola-Davies O. E., Oyagbemi T. O., Awoyomi V. O., Olofintuyi K. O.
66 - 78
TV/2024/42/01/07 Iji et al.pdf
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