Author Guidelines
Terms of Submission
Manuscripts are submitted to the Nigerian Journal of Immunology (NJI) on the understanding that the manuscript has not been previously published and not under consideration for publication in any other journal except in the form of an abstract at a conference or as part of published lecture or academic thesis.
Style of Writing
Any manuscript submitted to NJI for consideration should be prepared in British English using Microsoft Word® and Times New Roman Font 12 on standard A4 paper selection. The manuscript should be typed double spaced and arranged as follows:
Title Page
The title page should contain the complete title of the manuscript (written in uppercase), full names of the authors (arranged as first name, middle name; if any, surname), and their addresses. The corresponding author should be indicated by an asterisk with address, telephone number and e-mail address stated. A short running title and a list of four to six keywords should also be provided. Sources of support and conflict of interest should be stated in the Title Page.
An informative and self-explanatory abstract, which should not be more than 250 words, should be submitted on a separate page. The abstract should be structured as Background (containing the aim of the study), Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The use of abbreviations and acronyms should be limited
Main Text
The manuscript should be composed of an Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, Acknowledgement, and References. All abbreviations in the text should be defined at first mention. Legends should be provided for Tables and Figures.
References should be cited and listed in the Vancouver style with numbers in brackets in the appropriate places in the text.
- Arinola OG. Immune responses during human coronavirus infection: Suggestions for future studies. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2020; 35(1): 20-5.
- Adebiyi RF, Pannell C, Forrester JA, Davis AJS. Lectin binding by malaria infected erythrocytes In: Bog-Hansen TC, ed. Lectins-Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Berlin: W. de-Gruyter, 1982:197-200.
- Greenwood BM, Whittle HC. Immunology of Medicine in the Tropics. London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd, 1981.
Figures and Tables
Figures and Tables should be arranged in order at the end of the text. Each table should be on a separate page, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, and should have a heading. High resolution figures such as GIF, TIFF or JPEG are preferable. Arabic numerals should be used to designate figures. The same data should not be presented in both table and figure form.
All figures and tables should be self-explanatory without reference to the text.
Peer Review
All submitted manuscripts shall be double-blind peer-reviewed by an editorial board member and two external reviewers. Comments from the reviewers and the editorial board shall be conveyed to the corresponding author upon receipt.
Ethical Issues
For research involving humans, authors should ensure that the research was carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki). Authors should include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained from each study participant.
For research involving animals, authors should ensure that the research was carried out in accordance with the National Institutes of Health guide for the care and use of laboratory animals (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978).
Declaration of Interest
All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with people or organization that could affect their work, inappropriately. These include consultancies, honoraria, and grants among others. If there are no interests to declare, authors should please state this: Authors have no competing interests to declare.
Language Inclusiveness
Authors should ensure that they use inclusive language throughout. No assumptions should be made about beliefs. The manuscript should contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on the grounds of age, gender, race, ethnicity, and culture. The manuscript should be free from bias, stereotypes, and slangs indicating any particular culture or cultural beliefs.
Changes to Authorship
Request for addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names shall only be entertained before the manuscript is accepted for publication. To make a request, the corresponding author will write to the Editor-in-Chief stating the reason for the change and shall include written evidence (endorsed by all the authors) that they all agree with the requested modification.
Funding Source
Authors are requested to provide information on financial support received for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the manuscript. Such information should include the role played by the sponsors), if any, in study design, collection of data, writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the article for publication.
Procedure after Acceptance
Upon acceptance of a manuscript, authors should consider all the suggestions/comments raised by the reviewers and the Editor before submission of the final copy for publication. The Editor retains the right to modify the style and length of a manuscript (in consultation with the authors in case of major changes) to make it conform to the editorial style of the journal.
Article Processing Charge
Upon acceptance of the article, the corresponding author is expected to pay the Article Processing Fee of N30, 000 or 100 USD within 5 working days of receipt of letter of acceptance of the article.
Galley Proof
Galley proof shall be sent to the authors for the correction of printing errors only. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to make sure that the galley proof is returned within 48 hours of receipt.